AAUW Reacts to 2024 National Election Results
WASHINGTON – Today, the AAUW (American Association of University Women) responded to Donald J. Trump’s reelection as 47th president of the United States.
“The election results are extremely sobering, especially on the heels of a hyperpartisan, gridlocked Congress,” said Gloria L. Blackwell, CEO, AAUW. “AAUW is committed to holding all elected officials accountable about women’s rights, bodily autonomy, and access to education and economic opportunity, particularly for women of color.”
As president, Trump appointed the three conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justices who supported overturning Roe vs. Wade and women’s right to abortion care. His Supreme Court picks also helped overturn affirmative action in college admission decisions. Colleges and universities have since reported a downturn in students of color being admitted to their institutions, as a result.
This election cycle, AAUW also championed 10 state ballot measures that would codify into state laws and constitutions women’s rights to abortion access without government interference. Of the 10, seven states passed measures to maintain or expand abortion access.
“When women are able to make abortion care decisions for ourselves, we’re able to control our health and economic security,” said Meghan Kissell, AAUW’s senior director for policy and member advocacy. “A second Trump presidency puts this fundamental right further in jeopardy.”
This electoral outcome means AAUW will double-down in its preparation for the Trump administration and Congress. The organization will deliver its agenda for the 119th Congress ahead of the new session.
“A functioning democracy demands work every day of the year,” said Blackwell. “It is now, after an election, when the real work begins. We must come together and continue the fight to advance equity for women.”
AAUW (American Association of University Women) is the nation’s leading organization for equity in higher education and women’s economic empowerment.
Founded in 1881 by women who defied society’s conventions by earning college degrees, AAUW has since worked to increase women’s access, opportunity, and equity in higher education through research, advocacy, and philanthropy of over $146 million, supporting thousands of women scholars. Learn more at aauw.org.
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Book Beat
Three Girls from Bronzeville: A Memoir
by Dawn Turner (an IL State AAUW selection)
Discussion Leader: Faye Marcus
Hostess: Ruth Siegfried
November 19, 2024
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