Category Archives: Role Models


From Huffington Post, in honor of Women’s History Month….

18 Quotes From Women Who Have Made History

Imagine a world without these women.

For the month of March, HuffPost Women is honoring one historic woman each day on our Facebook page as part of our Women’s History Month campaign #WeMakeHerstory. Illustrator Kimothy Joy partnered with HuffPost to create one beautiful quote card a day to celebrate these groundbreaking women.

Read the article.




See how women reacted to the Trump administration’s dress code for female staff….

From Global Citizen:

“What does it mean to #DressLikeaWoman? After a report alleged that President Trump preferred women to “dress like women,” people are taking to social media to turn that hashtag on its head. ”

read more

AAUW Announces 2017–18 Awardees

November 16, 2017

Media Contact:
Amy Becker

Nonprofit awards $3.7 million to 250 women and projects

WASHINGTON — The American Association of University Women (AAUW) has announced awards of $3.7 million to its 2017–18 class of fellows and grantees. These 250 recipients represent diverse backgrounds, locations, and areas of study but have one thing in common: They all aim to promote equity for women and girls.

“AAUW fellows and grantees have contributed to — and will continue to impact — so much of the world at large,” said Kim Churches, the chief executive officer of AAUW. “These trailblazers are breaking the mold in nontraditional fields and redefining what leadership and expertise look like. AAUW is proud to provide the critical resources necessary to help them excel in their chosen fields.”

AAUW is one of the world’s leading supporters of graduate women’s education, having awarded more than $100 million in fellowships, grants, and awards to 12,000 women and projects from more than 140 countries since 1888. Candidates are evaluated on the basis of scholarly excellence, quality and originality of project design, and active commitment to helping women and girls through service in their communities, professions, or fields of research.

AAUW fellowship funding helps women manage the growing burden of student debt, an issue that disproportionately affects women. Unique to AAUW’s program, funding may also be used to pay for expenses outside of those traditionally associated with academic study. Funding may be applied to such expenses as child care and transportation — necessities that can improve recipients’ retention and success in graduate programs.

“We are thrilled to have this year’s awardees join a 129-year legacy of notable alumnae,” said Gloria Blackwell, AAUW’s vice president of fellowships, grants, and global programs. “Recipients now join the ranks of past awardees including Nobel Prize-winning scientist Marie Curie, journalist Melissa Harris-Perry, Ph.D., and astronaut Judith Resnik, Ph.D., to name a few. These awards change lives and these scholars, they change the world.”

Applications opened August 1, 2017. Deadlines vary per program.

To find out more about this year’s exceptional class of awardees, visit AAUW’s online directory.